Alpha Trade was conceived of in order to bring aggregated institutional liquidity sourced from all major liquidity providers and execution venues to match the demands of any type of trader type. We solely provide liquidity across almost every asset class for qualified Wholesale / Institutional Clients

The principals’ behind this business originate from a blend of institutional, professional and retail firms’ and their clients ranged top tier banks, hedge funds, sovereign wealth funds to professional asset managers and algorithmic trading system developers.

We concentrate on providing FX, metals and CFD focussed products to ensure that we can deliver the highest quality of execution services in products that we have a proven track record in delivering on over many decades.
As a firm we operate an agency execution only model and do not hold opposing positions to clients to ensure that our interests do not oppose that of our clients so as not to create a conflict of interest.

All client orders are routed through our aggregation engine where all our liquidity sources compete for your business on an equal basis. We have no preferential arrangements with any of our liquidity providers for order matching unless we agree a bespoke solution with you, our client, in advance as certain clients are better suited to having bespoke pools created for them.

Our infrastructure is best in breed and is co-located with our liquidity sources to minimise latency.

Alpha Trade Pty Ltd is duly incorporated in Australia with an Australian Financial Services License servicing solely Wholesale customers. Our sole website is We have been made aware of a Crypto Platform utilising the domain This company/website or people have no connection whatsoever to Alpha Trade Pty Ltd and we would suggest extreme precaution when investing in unregulated firms with minimal company or regulatory information provided on their website. Please be safe out there! Thanks.